Stop by today! (919) 552-0590
Monday - Friday: 10am - 5pm Saturday: 9am - 5pm Stop by today! (919) 552-0590
Fall planting allows your trees, shrubs and perennials to establish a good root system during more moderate temperatures. That translates to less stress for the plants and less work for you! Work in our compost for clay or sandy soils, and add some Espoma Bio-tone. Learn the proper way to plant trees and shrubs.
The Hut’s Bloomers & Plumers!
Want fall blooms? Try Fall-blooming Camellias, Encore Azaleas and Butterfly Bushes.
Great fall foliage: Nandina, Kaleidoscope Abelia and many Loropetalums of all sizes to fit your landscape.
Get your plume on with our ornamental grasses!
Great selection of conifers too.
New load of specimen Japanese Maples.
We have some beautiful woody plants for your landscape! Come see what’s new.
Pansies & violas are plentiful around the “Hut”. Re-vamp your summered-out containers with mums, pansies and 2-1/2″, 4″ and quart Perennials or bring your containers to us and we’ll do the work! Remember to add blood meal to improve winter hardiness. Try the bullet-proof ornamental cabbages (the colder it gets, the more colorful they get!) & kale! Snapdragons are here too!
Botanical seed for cool season planting.
We have great selections of cool season starter plants , broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, and more!
Lots of pumpkins for Fall harvest & Halloween, plus Fall garden flags and decor.
See our November gardening calendar for more tips.