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Monday - Friday: 10am - 5pm Saturday: 9am - 5pm Stop by today! (919) 552-0590
With the extended late summer it seems we had, now is the perfect time to plant. The ground is warm, nights are cool, days are shorter, makes for perfect root growth.
Keep leaves raked up. They make great compost! (click here for composting tips)
Cut back most perennials towards the end of the month and reapply mulch. Remove leaves with spots after leaf drop to prevent overwintering disease.
We have stunning Fall to Winter blooming Camellias ready to plant. We are loaded with beautiful fall camellias in many colors that have lots of buds & blooms. Encore azaleas, edgeworthia, and lots of pretties. Check out dogwoods for beautiful color; hydrangeas and daphnes are still flowering.
Pansies, Violas, and Panolas are still arriving weekly along with other companion plants, including snap dragons, cabbage, kale and chard for winter beds and containers. Remember blood meal for pansies.
Keep newly installed plants watered!
Pick up I MUST GARDEN for those pesky deer & squirrels. Try dipping bulbs into the Squirrel repellent and then recycle the remaining product for later use. It’s genius!
Once the weather is consistently cold, plant spring flowering bulbs like tulips in containers; crocus, daffodils, and hyacinths in containers or in the ground.
We have a full line of bird products for bluebirds, cardinals, finches, and other feathered friends. Plus, squirrel ejecting feeders! Check out our Cole’s & Mr. Bird’s holiday bird seed items.
Our Christmas & Holiday shop is open during November and December. Stop by for inspiration!