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February is Here! We love the Seasons, and in NC we have 4 that are awesome!
It’s Plant-tone and Holly-tone time. Make fertilizer applications this month to all your trees and shrubs for best results.
Get your veggie garden growing! We have seeds coming in from Botanical Interests (organic) and Weeks Seed Co (local) as well as potatoes. February is a great time to plant cool season veggies from the Cabbage family (kale, broccoli, mustard, bok choi, collards, etc.) and root crops like the ones mentioned plus carrots, potatoes and beets. Remember to pick up our organic compost or our other organic soils to amend your garden with. We also have seed starter soil. We have 2 sizes of seed starter kits.
Camellias are arriving with lots of blooms and colors. Hellebores too!
Cut back ornamental grasses and liriope.
Fertilize fescue lawns with a light application. Keep an eye on the forecast and fertilize just before expected rainfall.
Apply a pre-emergent herbicide such as Dimension, around mid-month to keep weeds like crabgrass under control.
Feed the birds! Cole’s Bird Seed and Cole’s Hot Sauces are high in protein and great for your birds. Provide fresh water sources too.
It’s a great time to divide overgrown houseplants!
See more on our March garden tips page.